It’s easy to get lost in the fun and sunshine that summer brings. But another thing that summer brings is a new set of risks that are entirely unique to the season. While you shouldn’t let the possibly of accidents limit what you do, its important to be aware of where the risk exists so you can make smart, educated decisions while you’re out with your loved ones enjoying the summer holidays and weather. Today we will talk about a few potential risks that are unique to summer or this summer 2021 in general. As always there are ways to make sure that you’re covered in the face of any risk whether its boating, riding motorcycles, laughing fireworks or simply driving to and from a lake party. Reach out and get a quote on a new policy today before the summer gets underway!
Some of the risks that come with summer are obvious. Boating offers up an entire new set of risks that were not part of our life (for the most part) during the fall and winter months. Things like hiking, rock climbing and other outdoor sports also present their own set of obvious risks. But it’s easier to forget about the risks that come with things like holidays. Memorial Day, Labor Day, and the 4th of July. You may think that the risks involved with them seems obvious, like fire works (which are a risk and you should get a review of your homeowners policy if you have any questions about what is or what isn’t covered on your current policy) but there are other risks that we need to be aware of. Like the amount of drunk or reckless drivers on the road as well. Which brings us to something that is unique to this specific summer. Due to the ongoing covid-19 crisis we have many more young people on the road especially during these summer months. Young people who would normally be employed in the service industry are not working or working limited hours in a dramatically increased amount this year. According to AAA data 72% of teens ages 16-18 years old admitted to engaging in one of the following risky driving behaviors,
Driving 10 mph over the speed limit on a residential street (47%)
Driving 15 mph over the speed limit on a freeway (40%)
Texting (35%)
Red light running (32%)
Aggressive driving (31%)
Drowsy driving (25%)
Driving without a seatbelt (17%)
Additionally due to covid this year there is an increased risk of cybersecurity issues.
Ideally you shouldn’t ever limit what you or your loved ones do because of the potential risk of a claim involved. However there is an obvious way to ensure that you do the maximum to mitigate any risk that may arise in the course of your usual outdoor (hiking, boating, motorcycle, ATV, etc…) activities or holiday celebrations. Make sure you have a policy in place protecting your auto, home & property and your life! If you don’t currently have or have questions about whether or not your current policy actually offers you the coverage you need reach out today for a new policy quote, a free review of your current policy or just to ask a question! We look forward to hearing from you and as always send our best wishes to you and yours this summer!
